Donnerstag, 15. November 2018

France Sacrifices Priest on the Altar of "Tolerance" (David Wood)

European Union Converts YouTube into a Safe Space (David Wood)

Migrationspakt der Eliten (JF-TV Reportage)

Fine Print Warnings on Radiation Exposure in Cell Phone and Wireless Device Manuals

Fine Print Warnings on Radiation Exposure in Cell Phone and Wireless Device Manuals: All wireless devices from smartphones to wireless laptops to baby monitors come with FCC warnings that they are NOT safe to use if held directly on the body. Manuals contain these Fine Print Warnings.

Recommendations to the Department of Education on School Wi-Fi: Advisor...

Theodora Scarato EMF Wi-Fi in School Health @ NIH National Institutes o...

Letter to the FCC from Dr. Yael Stein MD in Opposition to 5G Spectrum Frontiers

Letter to the FCC from Dr. Yael Stein MD in Opposition to 5G Spectrum Frontiers: Letter to the FCC from Dr. Yael Stein MD of the Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel in Opposition to 5G Spectrum Frontiers Millimeter Wave Technology “Please protect Public Health and vote against exposure of the public to harmful G5 technology.” “Computer simulations have demonstrated that sweat glands concentrate sub-terahertz waves in human skin. Humans could sense …

die Masken fallen

ALERT! There Is a Coup D’etat on Americans! And You Won’t Believe Who St...


Der aber,

den Gott auferweckte,

hat die Verwesung nicht gesehen.

So sei euch nun kund, 

ihr Männer und Brüder,

daß euch 

durch diesen 

Vergebung der Sünden verkündigt wird;

und von allem, 

wovon ihr 

durch das Gesetz Moses 

nicht gerechtfertigt werden konntet, 

wird durch diesen 

jeder gerechtfertigt, 

der da glaubt.

(Apg 13:37-39, Schlachter)